Time is Relative …

Can you believe August is over, pfft, gone? Here we are, September 1st, suffering all the endless and aged puns on back to school. Back to Cool? School Daze? Ouch. Where’s Lulu when you need her?

I’ve been absent … not, with apologies to Shakespeare, in the spring … but throughout the month of August. Unfortunately–in the middle of the month, and while I was in the middle of setting up my new computer and reorganizing the messy but beloved room I write in–I can’t call it a home office, that gives me hives–I came down with what the doctor thought was an upper respiratory infection. It soon migrated to my throat and probably became strep, after which he doused me in antibiotics and I emerged, Lazarus-like, about ten days later.

That took care of the middle of the month. Fortunately, my mom was staying with me on a visit, and she took care of me. My mother’s chicken soup is at least as salubrious as antibiotics.

As soon as I became ambulatory, I plunged into going over copy edits for CITY OF DRAGONS. I just finished the process a few days ago, and that takes me to the end of the month. See what I mean? I’ve had Augusts that crawled by, but this one really flew.

Now I’m getting ready for Bouchercon in October (my panel is Saturday) and preparing to launch the book trailer video for CITY OF DRAGONS next week. And finishing up a much-delayed Noir Bar article for Pop Syndicate, and getting ready for an interview on one of my favorite blogs, Jen’s Book Thoughts, and working on about a thousand other things–videos, podcasts, website stuff, articles, the Poisoned Pen Virtual Conference on October 24th–and oh, yeah–the CITY OF DRAGONS sequel. The working title is COUNTRY OF SPIDERS.

I’ll be back next week with more news … and maybe my mom’s chicken soup recipe. 😉 In the meantime, stay safe–and thanks for reading!