Happy Birthday
Not marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme;
Back in high school when I first read these lines I was struck by the poet’s confidence in words. His cocky self-assurance that the gift of a few words will grant a more everlasting memorial than, say, the graveyard called the Pyramids or the love note known as the Taj Mahal.
But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than unswept stone, besmear’d with sluttish time.
Of course, that was the poet’s persona–a brashly confident young man who, like many a poet before and since, used metaphors and rhythm and rhyming couplets to woo his lover of choice.
When wasteful war shall statues overturn, And broils root out the work of masonry, Nor Mars his sword, nor war’s quick fire shall burn The living record of your memory.
The living record of memory. Something all authors contend with, have struggled with, and it’s a memory that has only become shorter and more overloaded with each passing century, decade, year, month. The young man who wrote this sonnet bravely wielded pen like sword against the aggregate forces of time and anonymity, seeking solace in the pursuit of affection and immortality in his attempt to win it.
‘Gainst death, and all oblivious enmity Shall you pace forth; your praise shall still find room Even in the eyes of all posterity That wear this world out to the ending doom.
“Choose me,” he whispers, “and you will live forever.” Such is the potency of words; such is the power of poetry.
Funny thing is, the young man who wrote this had no idea that 400 years later his words would be available 24/7, broadcast freely to a global market, translated by machines, not priests or scribes or scholars or his somewhat bitchy friend Ben Johnson.
The poet’s name was Shakespeare, and he was whistling in the dark.
Y’see, “sluttish time” is on my mind today, though I consider her more of a flirt. NOX DORMIENDA turned one on July 18th.
Now, those who know me know I like to celebrate as much as possible … but I’m kind of quietly humbled right now, amazed at how blessed I’ve been that this tiny little book from a tiny little publisher is still attracting readers and will hopefully be available from a larger press in paperback (with the sequel coming out next year). Stay tuned for further news …
In the year since NOX debuted, I’ve learned that the greatest gift of being a writer is the community I’ve met–readers, writers, book stores, publishers, editors, bloggers, reviewers, journalists, publicists, agents … people. That is the sweetest blessing of all, and I am so, so lucky to be here and with them and on the road I’ve traveled!
And what else has happened in the last year?
Bruce Alexander Award. Macavity nomination. Foreign rights sold in Italy and Greece for NOX.
In January, in the midst of the publishing freefall, moving to Thomas Dunne/Minotaur with CITY OF DRAGONS, finding my dream editor and publisher thanks to my dream agent.
And now, after a fabulous and incredible Thrillerfest, where the news was first announced, I can add that “Children’s Day”, my short story prequel to CITY OF DRAGONS, will be in the next ITW anthology–publishing June, 2010 by Tor. It’s called FIRST THRILLS, and will feature 12 “bestselling authors of today” with 12 “bestselling authors of tomorrow”. More details later, but how humbled I am to be keeping such company!
It’s been a year of bounty and profound gratitude, of feeling at home and like dreams really do come true if you wish upon a star, like living a Disney movie directed by Gary Marshall.
Last October, I thought NOX would be a bare blip on the radar screen, long forgotten a year later. And while I don’t make any claim to it outlasting either monuments or someone’s new marble countertop for the kitchen, the fact that I can celebrate its year-old birthday with the strong hope of continuing the series at a major publisher is, well, a miracle.
Add CITY OF DRAGONS–what I hope will be a true breakout novel–and I just might break into song at any moment. 😉
Thank you all for helping me get here, on this road and at this moment … I’m lighting a candle … and in the years ahead, hoping for a few more. 🙂
July 23, 2009 @ 6:55 am
Soph, you're an inspiration to everybody who knows you. 🙂 Thanks for commenting — and see you soon!! 🙂
July 22, 2009 @ 9:50 pm
Happy Birthday indeed….and thanks for a year of inspiration!!!! xo – your friend
July 20, 2009 @ 2:16 pm
Thank you so much, R.J.!! 🙂 And thanks for stopping by with birthday wishes for NOX. 🙂
And do tell about Much Ado–always glad to hear about great productions of Mr. Shakespeare (other than Ashland, Oregon, which is routinely wonderful). 🙂
July 20, 2009 @ 2:14 pm
Aw, thanks a million, Mysti. 🙂 Hope you two are having a blast at Comic Con!!! 🙂
July 20, 2009 @ 6:27 am
Happy birthday to NOX. I'm sure it will long be celebrated. 🙂
And speaking of our good friend Mr. Shakespeare, I saw a wonderful production of Much Ado yesterday.
July 19, 2009 @ 7:53 pm
A blip? An overture, I think 🙂
Congrats to Nox and to you, my dear. No one deserves success more than you — cuz no one works harder!